Office: 615-307-0079
Tennessee Bed Bug Exterminators, LLC
Pest Control

A Proven and Permanent Solution
Prevent the spread of bedbugs from client to client and ensure complete eradication from the existing property.
The Objective ……
Need #1 Inspect property and identify any physical signs of bedbugs and/or specimens.
Need #2 Plan and take immediate action based on signs and specimens.
Need #3 Consult with Property owner/manager to plan a day for a radial thermal heat treatment.
The Opportunity ……
Goal #1 Before a radial heat treatment take necessary steps to ensure that kill temps and time are reached, maintained, and effective.
Goal #2 Before each radial heat treatment our staff will prep the room by placing box springs and mattress in an upright position.
Goal #3 Slide each dresser, night table, and head board 3-4 inches from the structural walls, if applicable. (remove headboards, if applicable)
Goal #4 Clients belongings will be left in the kill zone for heat treatment such as suitcases, clothes, books, and etc.
Goal #5 Make sure each sprinkler head, if present, are placed in a protective ceiling mounted case.
Goal #6 With the assistance of Property owner/manager or staff make sure each smoke detector is disconnected.
Goal #7 Make sure that blinds are in a closed position and towels or bed linens are in the kill zone.
Goal #8 Minimize clutter in closets, dressers, and surface areas for appropriate heat penetration.
The Solution ……
Recommendation #1 Place the appropriate number of heaters and blowers, based on square footage and ceiling height for a full convection motion to circulate the air.
One fan is rated with 4000 ACFM (cubic feet per minute)
One 240 heater put out 65,500 BTU (british thermal unit)
Recommendation #2 Place sensor push RTD (Resistance Temperature Detectors) in each room or area for accuracy. These individual sensors are recording temperature and time to ensure proper kill temps are reached, maintained, and exceeded in the kill zone.
Recommendation #3 Two-way motion detecting cameras are placed inside the treatment zone to ensure heater functionality and limit any errors due to power shortages or outages.
Recommendation#4 Heat sensitive monitors placed near power sources to ensure safety with remote access to allow for fast response time, for cut-off.
Recommendation #5 After a radial heat treatment, Tennessee Bed Bugs will perform two site inspections with the Property Manager or designated staff.
Recommendation #6 The first site inspection will be 8-10 days after a radial heat treatment, which will consist of a BBIR (Bed Bug Insect Report).
Recommendation #7 The second site inspection with be 21-27 days after the initial radial heat treatment, which will consist of a BBIR (Bed Bug Insect Report).
Recommendation #8 At any time during either inspection, if the BBIR gives evidence of specimens, Tennessee Bed Bugs would perform a radial heat treatment or as needed, at no extra cost.